The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics (TGG) publishes four issues per year. The first issue was published in print in 1970 and since 2018 TGG publishes online only.
URL of the journal’s website
0167-9228 (Print; 1970-2017)
1875-6832 (Electronic)
0167-9228 (Linking)
Editorial board
The editorial board of TGG consist of renowned experts representing the variety of scientific fields of gerontology and geriatrics.
- Prof. dr. D. L. (Debby) Gerritsen, gero-psychology, the Netherlands (chair)
- Dr. M. (Marian) Dejaeger, clinical geriatrics, Belgium
- Prof. dr. E. (Eva) Dierckx, psychogerontoloy & neuropsychology, Belgium
- Dr. M. S. (Marije) Holstege, geriatric rehabilitation, the Netherlands
- Dr. S. S. (Silvia) Klokgieters, medical sociology, the Netherlands
- Prof. dr. L. B. (Louise) Meijering, health geography , the Netherlands
- Dr. E.M. (Eefje) Sizoo, elderly care medicine, the Netherlands
- Dr. R. (Rikje) Ruiter, internal medicine & clinical pharmacology , the Netherlands
The editorial office consists of Dr. H.W (Hanna) Donkers & A. (Anita) Oude Bos, Msc., the Netherlands
Editorial policies
The Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics publishes on the scientific area of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Contributions range from biological, medical, psychological and social sciences. TGG is a Dutch peer-reviewed scientific journal and it is indexed in Medline and English language abstracts can be accessed through Pubmed. All full-text articles are in Dutch and are freely available to anyone (open access). The editorial board accepts contributions written in Dutch language only. Two types of contributions, original research articles and clinical case reports, are subject to double blind peer review. Other contributions are assessed by a member of the editorial board, in which third parties can be consulted. The journal uses four kinds of decisions during the submission process: reject, major revision, minor revision, accept.
With submission to TGG, authors consent to transfer copyright to publication of the paper in TGG. The following international Creative Commons licence applies: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The full-text is available at
With submission of a paper to TGG, all authors agree with the TGG author guidelines (‘Auteursrichtlijnen Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie’ in Dutch). Submission of a paper implies that it is neither under consideration for publication elsewhere, nor previously published. Submission of a manuscript implies that all listed authors substantially contributed to the manuscript, have seen the final version and approved it. Most authors can expect to receive an initial decision regarding their paper together with referees’ reports within 8 to 10 weeks of submission.
Peer review process
TGG uses a double-blind model of peer review, which means that neither author nor reviewer know the other’s identity. TGG has created a guide in Dutch providing a practical introduction to conducting high quality peer reviews (‘Richtlijn voor het beoordelen van manuscripten Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie’ in Dutch)
Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent
TGG publishes only research which is compliant with applicable legislation and policies, including policies on human and animal rights. When applicable, the research is submitted to a medical ethical committee prior to submission to TGG.
When authors or reviewers have interests that might influence their judgement inappropriately, these conflicts of interest should be reported to the editorial office. TGG is published in accordance with publishing ethics guidelines from Springer Business Media; TGG’s former publisher. These apply to authors, peer reviewers, the editorial office and the journal as a whole. Anyone who believes that these guidelines have not been followed should raise their concern with the editor through e-mail Authors are provided with Dutch instructions for authors for additional instructions regarding publishing ethics.
Publisher name and information about its management, qualifications, and publishing policies’
TGG is published by Stichting Vilans, the Dutch knowledge centre for long term care.
Stichting Vilans Churchilllaan 11
3527 GV Utrecht
Publishers’ website
More information about Vilans is available here.